Uninstall Capsule

Notes about uninstalling the plugin

⚠️ If you need to uninstall the Capsule plugin and delete the associated files, please be aware that any DAW projects using the Capsule plugin and its sounds will be broken.

Make sure to bounce your Capsule tracks to audio before uninstalling 

Remove Capsule Portal and Plugin

Important: Please make sure to Quit any DAW and the Portal application before uninstalling.

Note, that closing the Portal Window is not sufficient, since the Application will continue running in the Background.

Make sure to quit Portal, by clicking on your username in the lower-left window corner and select Quit in the popup menu that opens:


Plese use the Uninstall Soundslates Capsule Start-Menu item to uninstall the Portal and the Plugin binaries:


Open a Finder window and delete the following files:

  • /Applications/Capsule Portal.app
  • /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/VST3/Capsule.vst3
  • /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components/Capsule.component

Note: The easiest way to navigate to the /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins directory is to press CMD+Shift+G in a Finder window, enter /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins and press enter.

Delete the audio content:

⚠️ This will break all your DAW projects using the Capsule plugin and Capsule presets

Delete the following folders, replacing username with the name of your Windows / macOS user, accordingly:





Note: If you had installed the content to a custom location, you'll need to delete the Capsule folder located in this custom location.

You can also check for the content location in the Capsule Portal preferences panel if you had previously set a custom location.

See also Select the storage location

Clear settings and caches

While the above steps are usually enough to un- or re-install, the files from the list below can be removed manually if you either want to remove any traces of Capsule or are running into issues when attempting to re-install.

⚠️ Please be careful when removing these files and make sure to only remove the files  specified below. Removing any other files in those directories can severely damage your system. Always create backups before removing files.


  • %APPDATA%\Soundslates

Note: %APPDATA% is the directory where Windows stores application settings.

Depending on your System, the actual path can differ.

The quickest way to navigate to this directory is to open the Start menu, type %APPDATA% and press return.

A Windows Explorer window should pop up, showing the corresponding directory.


  • ~/Library/Application Support/Soundslates
  • ~/Library/Preferences/com.soundslates.*.plist
  • ~/Library/Audio/Presets/Soundslates
  • ~/Library/Saved Application State/com.soundslates.*.savedState
  • ~/Library/Caches/com.soundslates.*

Note: The easiest way to navigate to the ~/Library directory is to press CMD+Shift+G in a Finder window, enter ~/Library and press enter.


Installation and downloads
