Downloading sounds and libraries

Downloading and loading sounds

To download sounds, simply click the download arrow icon or double-click the file name.

The file will start downloading and display a colored check sign icon once the file is available.

All the files showing the colored check sign icon are already downloaded and can be loaded at any time from your hard drive (also when no internet connection is available)

☝️ Also note the following actions: 

  • Single-click a file name -> Play/pause the audio preview
  • Single-click a file row (outside of the name) -> select the file 
  • Double click a file name -> Download 
  • Double click a file name -> Load the instrument if already downloaded 

Batch downloading

It is possible to download sounds in batches.

This can be done by selecting the sounds you want to download, or downloading all sounds included in a certain Capsule library or search result.

Batch download selected sounds:

Select sounds by sliding over them with the mouse.

Then simply click one of the download icons to download all selected sounds.

Download an entire Capsule:

Click a Capsule library image on the left side of the preset browser to select it.

When a Capsule is selected, a "Download all" is displayed, along with the total download size.

Clicking this icon will batch download all the items currently displayed in the sound list, and that have not already been downloaded. 

For more details, make sure to check In depth downloading guide 


Installation and downloads
